Thursday, December 15, 2011

Family Resemblance?

This is my biological father Ray. We met for the first time on Monday. Very happy about this!


  1. Thanks for sharing.May sway me to find my birth parents.I'm glad it was a good experience.

  2. That's great Jake ! What a nice early xmas present! Have a great holiday man. Holler at me if you are down Ky way. I have a bar in the basement of the newest house and some homebrewed beer calling your name. Baxter

  3. Good on you, Jake! Those can be some BIG demons to face. I met my Bio-Dad about 10 years ago, and I consider myself to be among the fortunate ones. Looking back, it was the best thing I could have done. It was like a giant, 30-year old hole began healing. I hope you and your bio-dad have a long road ahead. Speaking from experience, the whole nature vs. nurture thing is a total gas - enjoy the ride. Merry Christmas! -Steven
